Monday, 7 September 2015

Orezi's debut album charters at No 3 ahead of Wizkid's 'Ayo' album within 24hrs pre-sales order

Orezi's debut album is living up to the hype already with pre-order sales of the album charting the album in no 3 on iTunes chart in less than 24 hours of the album pre-order link debuted on iTunes. This means that the album is already selling even before it is officially released more than the other albums like wizkid's Ayo Album. That is a lot of demand for an album in less than 24 hours.

This is the first time a pre-order sales will chart a Nigerian album.

While the online pre-order is on going the hard copy pre-order is also very interesting. 30 000 copies has been pre-ordered already by 2 reputable companies in Nigeria. Fatgbems Petroleum ( 20 000 ) and Meribet sport betting company (10 000 ) according to a reliable source.

Alhaji Orezi who already told other artistes dropping albums this september to chill out because he is here to steal their shine is definitely living up to the promise of the best album “straight outta Naija”
He is presently out of the country with his team to shoot videos off the Album

Congratulations to Alhaji Orezi for this. 

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